Bundled Care Funding
What is Bundled Care?
Bundled care is a funding model implemented by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. The goal is to provide care for patients requiring total joint replacements and improve patients outcomes and experience. West Parry Sound Health Centre is liable for ensuring payments are provided to qualified Bundle Care Holder.
Funding Eligibility
West Parry Sound Health Centre is funded for total hip replacements and knee replacements.
Bundled Care partners may request funding from WPSHC when their patients meet the following criteria
Patient has had an elective unilateral hip or knee replacement surgery at West Parry Sound Health Centre on or after April 1, 2019th and
Patients meet OHIP eligibility criteria and
Patient’s primary diagnosis meets the MOH Quality Based Procedures criteria for elective hip or knee replacement surgery and
All post-acute ambulatory rehabilitative care must be reported to NACRS Clinic Lite.
Invoicing process
Bundled partners can invoice West Parry Sound Health Centre by completing the form below:
Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs)
All patients are asked to complete a survey on their recovery following surgery at three months and one year post-operatively. This survey provides us with information to improve patient satisfaction and health outcomes.
NACRS Lite Reporting
NACRS Lite is used to capture information on post-acute rehabilitative service utilization by Bundled Care patients. In accordance with Ministry of Health directive, WPSHC and other bundled care providers are required to reported to NACRS Clinic Lite for all joint replacements.